Open innovation
The Future Of Textiles & Footwear Recycling
The Future Of Textiles & Footwear Recycling
How to produce high environmental performance materials from non-reusable used textiles and shoes that meet market needs in functional and economic terms?

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How to sort and dismantle an increasing number of non-reusable used textiles and footwear?
How to spark interest and encourage funding for materials and products made from recycled goods?
Selected projects
Some of the participants

"I did not know the field of textile recycling, its stakes, its actors before being integrated in the TFO program. Despite this, in a few months and with minimal involvement on my part, thanks to the method implemented by SoScience, I was able to understand the industry, create a consortium of industrialists and academic researchers and set up a technology evaluation project funded by Refashion. Without this perfectly oiled process, I think exploring the uses of innovative optical sensors in textile recycling would have been much more time consuming and expensive."
Sandra TochonCo-Director of the Technology Transfer program at CEA 
"A big thank you for the mapping of actors and the opportunity to connect"
Caroline BaudonDevelopment Coordinator of NGO Atout Linge 
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