Open innovation
The Future Of Eco-Designed Vehicles

The Future Of Eco-Designed Vehicles

Plastic Omnium

How do we double the average lifespan of vehicles while reducing their environmental impact and maintaining their value through a modular and upgradable design?
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  • What solutions can we develop to shift the vehicle industry from a linear to a circular model?

  • Which sustainable dismantling technologies could transform the existing fleet into new raw materials? Can we imagine new services that will give us access to materials and parts from the existing fleet? How can we reintroduce these materials into new products (in the automotive industry or another sector)?

  • Which business models and economic innovations can we seize to set up a circular model?

  • How can we design a modular vehicle, allowing the consumer to easily change a part of his vehicle? Which solutions and services could enable vehicles to evolve during life and have multiple uses? How could we maintain the value of a vehicle with upgradable modular solutions?

  • What kind of solutions would encourage personal and professional owners to keep their vehicles longer?

Selected projects

Smart Modular Energy Trailer

Smart Polymers Bumper

Some of the participants

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