
The Future Of CCU for Food

How to create, develop, and implement competitive sustainable solutions using carbon capture and utilization (CCU) to produce fermentation feedstock or food products while ensuring their societal and environmental benefits?

Key program information

As a reminder, The Future Of programs aim to initiate multi-stakeholder collaborations to address a specific societal issue. If you need partners and can contribute in any way to this topic, we invite you to apply.

Current phase: Call for applications

Key dates

  • May, 31, 2024: end of the call for applications
  • September 2024: meeting day
  • October 2024: selection of winning projects

Wanted profiles

  • Researchers / Public Research Organizations
  • Industrial companies
  • Start-up / SME / Social enterprise 
  • NGO / Non-profit
  • Public sector 
  • Support services for entrepreneurs & innovation


Together with Lesaffre, we’ll be exploring new paths of innovation in carbon capture and utilization specifically tailored to the food industry.

The project has the ambition to have a wider positive impact than carbon emissions’ reduction, notably on biodiversity, land use and water consumption.

They have participated in our programs

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