The Open Innovation platform for collaboration on sustainability

Thanks to our platform, find the right & diverse experts and explore in a collaborative way solutions to solve your innovation sustainability stakes.

Here is how the SoScience's Open Innovation platform works

1. Plan your open innovation program

Initiate a collaborative open innovation challenge focused on your problem. The platform simplifies the setup of your innovation project.
Project management guide

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🪄 Assisted planning with automation

Set the 1st milestone date to generate a Gantt chart of your program and all major milestones.

Appointing a selection committee

The Open Innovation committee will follow the program from start to finish. Choose your committee members and schedule them easily using the platform.

Defining the problem you want to solve

Follow the platform’s recommendations to define your problem from a critical, technical and societal framing.

2. Manage your call for applications

Easily identify, contact and select the best experts who can contribute to your project, in the sense of transitions.

The SoScience Collaborative Open Innovation platform makes it easy to manage a call for application in a limited time (< 3 months).
Publish challenge web page

Use the platform’s built-in editor to build an appealing web page inviting experts to apply to your challenge.

🪄 Automation of sourcing

Communicating with startups, researchers, NGOs or large groups requires a language adapted to each one. The platform lets you automate personalized email sequences.

Communicate with applicants

Send invitation-to-apply email campaigns, and track the progress of applications easily with the relevant statistics.

Select the best experts

Each committee member can give his or her opinion on the applications. Classify the candidates by category and jointly decide on the most interesting selection to ensure the perfect match.

3. Organize your co-design meetup day

Capitalize on co-creation and maximize your collaboration leads.

Our Open Innovation platform helps you optimize exchanges between the diverse experts contributing to your innovation project.
Wall of collaborations

Each candidate can exchange ideas for collaborative projects with the other selected experts in order to maximize the possibilities.

Expertise, key ideas, needs and contributions are available for each expert.

Facilitate the co-creation workshop

Based on the wall of collaborations and the co-creation workshop’s facilitation tips and other tools, let the gathered experts dig as deep as possible into the most promising ideas.

NDA signature

Exchanges of ideas, knowledge and expertise must take place in the confidence of a confidentiality agreement. Use the platform to automate NDA management.

4. Select the best collaborative projects

Select co-constructed projects according to your own criteria, but also according to responsible innovation criteria.

Manage different axes of selection, including sustainability goals & other responsible criterias.
Collect ideas for co-designed projects

Committee members vote for each project according to a grid of technical, business, environmental and social criteria.

Committee votes according to your criteria

Committee members vote for each project according to a grid of technical, business, environmental and social criteria.

Consolidate project structuring, roadmap and impact

Shortlist the most promising avenues you want to pursue and support with your teams.
Benefit from tools to help you structure collaborative, high-impact projects.

Collaborative innovation...

Our method, launched in 2016, has been recognized since 2021 by the UN as good practice ODD17 “strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”

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